How to Get Organized and Stay Organized - For Real!

January 1st - Note to self...Activate Operation Organization. Get Organized!
January 5th - Note to self…Deactivate Operation Organization. I give up.
Sound familiar? You started with the best intentions. You thought you could get organized if you just focused and made yourself work hard and stay committed.
So why did my Operation Organization fizzle? Ask yourself, why do I hire an accountant, lawyer, doctor, financial consultant or a designer? Because these people are trained experts in their field and have expertise that I don’t have. Have you ever tried to complete your own taxes, but have missed deductions that could have saved you money? Do you self-diagnosis medical issues? Well maybe.
Professional Organizers know how to help! We are trained, skilled experts in the field of organizing. Yes, there is such a thing. By creating customized organizing systems and teaching organizational skills, we help individuals and businesses take control of their homes and offices, and manage their time and lives more efficiently.
We know how to organize! Clients call us for many reasons. Here are the top 3. I’m sure at least one of these will ring a bell.
You are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.
You don’t have time to do it on your own.
You really don’t want to do it yourself.
Getting organized is what we are trained to do. We can arrange your home or office to maximize the space you already have. We can set up systems to keep you organized. We can create storage solutions for all of your “stuff”. Trust me, we know where your stuff should “live”. You’ll be amazed at how quickly we can simplify your life!
We can help you get organized and stay organized - For Real! In addition to getting you organized, we create a plan to help you replace your old “bad” habits with efficient habits going–a huge benefit of working with a PO. Most of the work we do isn’t even about the tangible "stuff" and disorganization–it’s about how you interact with it. We will help you tame “the stuff” physically and create simple systems for managing the things you are thinking about–your “to do” lists, projects, appointments, etc. From home organization projects to time management–we can help.
Reactivate Operation Organization – Contact Us Today!
Jennifer Raftis, CEO | Efficiency Matters LLC |