From Grocery Cart to Chaos: Overbuying Food
Food management might not be your favorite topic, but saving $1,000 a year might be!
Organizing Tips: Top 12 Things You Can Easily Get Rid of Right Now
This list of items that you can get rid of right now is a recommended start to your decluttering journey.
Organizing is Not Always About Just Getting Rid of Stuff
Here are 3 of my organizing client's top frustrations and suggestions on how to create new habits to fix them
Designing Closet Systems: What You Need to Know
If you are considering installing or upgrading a closet system, here are some thoughts to consider.
Mind Maps: A Powerful Organizing Tool for Planning
A mind map is a powerful visual planning tool that allows you to capture all your ideas at once, sort them out, and eliminate overwhelm.
The Sentimental Person's Guide for Letting Go of Belongings
It's often very difficult for the sentimental person to let go of their possessions.
Top Tips for Fall Organizing
Now is an ideal time to start looking ahead and organizing for the fall.
A Guide to Organizing and Concealing Your Cords
Organizing cords is probably not your favorite pastime activity. It is not mine either, but I have a lot of experience helping my clients.
Can I Sell My Stuff and Is It Worth It?
By Jennifer Raftis, CPO - Published in the Lamorinda Weekly, August 16, 2023 If you are wondering if something in your home is worth...
The Rise of Technology Scams: Be Aware
Technology has revolutionized the way we live and work, providing us with unprecedented access to information and resources. However,...